Exploring salon hair waste in design activism

Exploring salon hair waste in design activism

If you thought we were finished finding solutions for salon hair waste, then think again! We are pleased to introduce our latest R&D partner, Alix Bizet, materials researcher and lecturer at the Kingston Art Foundation and Camberwell College of Arts.

Alix Bizet Studio, based in South East London, is centred on materials research, material applications and social and educational programs with museums, universities and local schools. Her work investigates the relationships between our bodies and spaces, objects, systems and media narratives.

Alix questions the relationship we have with our bodies, design and society to challenge norms and conventions. She uses creativity and design to disrupt and to create spaces for discussion with different audiences. Through her self-initiated research, she seeks to create situations where design and material innovation come together to give shape to future scenarios and new postcolonial narratives.

Green Salon Collective is committed to finding new and unique solutions for all hairdressing waste streams and that includes hair. One way we achieve this is by supporting the work of designers, like Alix, who are exploring this often overlooked waste material. 

One aspect of her research into human hair is looking at its potential as a sustainable material. This overlooked waste stream should be considered as a living material that is part of the circular bioeconomy. Back in 2014, while researching and testing the felting technique, Alix developed several human hair garments from trimmed hair collected from local hairdressers. 

One exciting realisation was that needle felting had the ability to repair felted garments. In theory, she could work from a pattern to create wearable clothing without any waste. Now, she’s putting that to the test with Green Salon Collective’s felting machine. This collaboration with the machine will offer a new narrative for human material, a living matter.

Stay tuned!

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